Introduction of machine

Laseradd’s medium-sized M280 series SLM 3D printers offer a balance of size and precision. With its moderate forming size and exceptional forming accuracy, it stands out. Equipped with an ultra-precision filtration system and a fresh air protection system, it provides dual protection, effectively minimizing forming defects and ensuring the quality of parts produced. This versatile equipment finds application in various industries, including small batch moldless production or customization in mould manufacturing, industrial precision components, aerospace, automobile manufacturing, medical applications, scientific research, etc.

Environment of setting-up

1) The equipment room needs to be kept dry and ventilated, and an exhaust system should be installed to promptly remove inert gas.
2) The main equipment area requires more than 35 square meters, with the sides and back of the equipment being more than 1 meter away from the wall.
3) A dedicated air conditioner should be installed in the room to maintain the ambient temperature of the equipment at around 25℃ and the humidity below 75%.
For specific requirements, please refer to the PDF document.
SLM Information\各机型售前资料-PDF\JS-SLM-280E\3-设备环境要求指南-280E.pdf

Operating instructions

After the data preparation is completed, personnel and materials need to be checked first: 1) Substrate installation; 2) Squeegee inspection; 3) Powder loading. Secondly, equipment preparation before printing is required: 1) Start the equipment; 2) Return each axis to the origin; 3) Level the substrate; 4) Spread the first layer of metal powder (ensuring even distribution on the substrate); 5) Clean the protective lens; 6) Deoxygenize (filling protective gas to avoid metal being oxidized) and achieve internal circulation; 7) Configure process package. Then, the printing can be started until the parts are retrieved.
For specific requirements, please refer to the PDF document.
SLM Information\各机型售前资料-PDF\JS-SLM-280E\1-用户手册-280E.pdf



Kings self-R&D software